
R&D program


Diversity and interactions of viral and fungal communities associated with vine declines

Mots clés : viral and fungal metagenomic interactions, Botryosphaeriaceae, vine decline

Fighting vineyard decline requires broadening our knowledge of the various factors involved, whether they are genetic, environmental and/or biotic. In this context, the MYCOVIR project aims to explore the hypothesis that the composition of the grapevine virome would be one of the factors able to explain the evolution of the vine stock in the context of wood diseases. Its objective is to study the impact of the diversity of viral communities (phytoviruses and mycoviruses) on fungi community composition in relation to the expression of symptoms. Two axes are proposed:

  1.  characterization of ecological networks between the communities of mycoviruses, phytoviruses and fungi in relation to the symptomatology;
  2.  the study of the role of mycoviruses in the modulation of Botryosphaeriaceae aggressiveness, fungi involved in wood diseases.

The MYCOVIR project is based on a co-construction between four partners (three INRAE units, one technical institute, the IFV, and professional collaborators) optimising the use of the competencies of the partners as well as the synergies between them. Complementary approaches will be implemented to account for the role of the viral component in the biotic complex involved in dieback diseases, especially wood diseases. This project would be able to propose indicators for the management of microbial communities in order to promote positive interactions between those communities for the health of the vine.


This projects is led by Inrae (UMR Biologie du fruit et pathologie)and works with IFV, Inrae Umr Save, ans Inrae US GeT-PlaGe. 


The project began in July 2019 and will end in June 2022.


Armelle Marais
soil, root ecosystem Grape trunk disease